I was chatting with a nengineer friend a few months ago about the idea of charging a cell phone over the air. He poopoo'd the idea as not physically possible. Leave it to the uber geniuses at MIT to figure it out. Imagine your cell phone/pda/dustbuster/laptop charging as soon as you walk into you house. No need to plug it in and all of your devices will be charged when you leave the house! Read More.
Microsoft Surface . . .
Microsoft has released a flash based site featuring its new Touch Screen computer "Surface".
Posted by Con O' Lee at 8:44 AM 7 comments
The Future According to Cisco
I found a brief interview with a chief technologist or futurist at Cisco. He talks about what the future has in store (in somewhat abstract terms). He also references an impending technology avalanche, in which innovation happens at break neck speeds. He uses some pretty cool comparative examples of technology yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Of course as a Cisco tech evangelist he points to 'the network' as the cornerstone of all technology past, present, and future. Read More.
Posted by Matt Laufer at 11:57 AM 20 comments
More on the Multi-Touch Technology - From Microsoft
I found another great video demonstrating the multi-touch technology that is being used in the iPhone among other places. The coolest part is how peripherals are handled in a multi-touch world. Bu-Bye USB and firewire!
Posted by Matt Laufer at 4:06 PM 131 comments