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Nelson Turns 100,000!

Nelson the printer celebrated a significant milestone today. It has officially printed it's 100,000th print.

Total Pages & Sheets=Pages:100386, Sheets:71824

This milestone is especially significant because it has been reached without a single service call that has required an onsite technician. While we have had a few service calls, they were all addressed on the phone, and repaired using user-serviceable parts. Our hope when we brought Nelson on board was that we could take more ownership of the repair process and be less dependent on service technicians. I'd call it a success. Thanks Nelson, here's to the next 100,000 prints.



Don't Forget to Vote!

The last reminder! Don't forget to vote! Oh and if you go to Starbucks today and tell them you voted or show them your sticker, you can have a free small coffee!

Happy Election Day!
