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Hosting, Virtual Hosting, Clustered Hosting. . .Oh My!

The hosting market has to be the most competitive technology market around. We've been on the lookout for a hosting partner for a while now. We need a place to host the client sites that we develop. This will allow us to guarantee uptime and site functionality.

I think there are a billion different hosting companies out there. The ones that captured my interest and seemed to apply best to our business model are the clustered hosting solutions. These are basically a large clusters of servers working together to provide a single hosting environment. One in particular, Mosso, had some really great features. The one feature that stood out was a truly cross platform hosting environment. For each domain we setup we can choose whether we want to develop in Linux or Windows, Apache or IIS, MySQL or M$SQL, the choices are endless. It is that flexibility that seems to fit our needs best.

Like I mentioned there are a glut of hosting providers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You have to kind of define your needs, weigh the options, make a choice and hope for the best. I'll post our ongoing experience with Mosso here on the infotech blog.


Will it Blend - iPhone

Take a look at one of the iPhone's lesser know capabilities.


Open Source Phone

With all the hype about the iPhone I thought I'd give the competition a chance. The Open Moko is the first open source open hardware open everything phone that should be fairly popular in time. The ability to develop custom code for everything under the sun should make this phone a winner. Check it out.
