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What in the World

The What in the World contest returns this week! The first person to post in the comments what the attached picture is of will win a Belkin Retractable Travel Mouse. Good luck!



Facebook Open Graph API

As you may know, Facebook announced yesterday some key advancements around their Open Graph API. Essentially these are new features that extend more FB functions outside the FB walled garden. For example, this will allow developers to add the 'like' function to a site and that is automatically fed back into the user's FB stream. I encourage you to read about these new capabilities and consider ways they can benefit our clients. Check it out!



Adobe Stops All Flash & Air Dev for iPhone OS

Recently, Apple changed their policy for Apps to only be written in certain code. This was to supposedly boost the quality of Apps available, but one downfall of this is that Adobe's Flash and Air dev department has had to stop supporting iPhone App development, which also means iPad development (since it runs on a similar OS to the iPhone & iTouch).

Mike Chambers of Adobe is losing trust in Apple and says that Adobe can no longer promote the closed system that Apple is trying to create. The future is open platform development and Apple is instead trying to close off their system. Creating a closed system hurts not only developers, but the consumers as well.

What happens next? Adobe will be beefing up it's Android support, which is quickly becoming the future's "superphone." -- I am still not too sure about that, but it's on the right track and is getting help without really asking for any.

To me, it seems pretty obvious that Apple wants to boost the rep of their apps. They want to get rid of the shovel-ware Apps on their network that are equally rampant on the Nintendo Wii. Honestly though, more than anything, I just like seeing these two big companies throw punches at each other. Haha.
