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How to Speed Up Your PC

Today I found this article on how to speed up your pc. As I see it this idea is essentially a philosophical diferentiation. For years it has been my belief that the fastest way to speed your PC is to purchase one of these.


Airlines May Start Using Phones for Boarding Passses

I came across this article that mentions two airline companies that are testing boarding passes on phones!

It's just being tested in a few markets right now and very limited flights, but if the tests go well we may see it spread across all flights and companies. Think of all the paper we could save be going with a boarding pass on your phone! I am all for being green, especially when it's easy~

I think this is one sweet idea - we got the technology, lets use it!



How 10 Famous Technology Products Got Their Names has an interesting article posted on how 10 famous tech products got their names. Included is the iPod, Blackberry, Firefox, Redhat Linux and more!

Pretty interesting read~


Obama is a Mac User

I knew there was a reason I voted for him. I would imagine the iPhone is next, although I did see a Blackberry on his belt loop. Read more.
