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Windows 7 Sells 100 Million; Fastest Selling MS OS

Microsoft has officially announced that Windows 7 has sold 100 million copies in just 6 months, making it the fastest selling MS operating system. As Engadget points out, that means Windows 7 is already installed on one out of every ten computers in the world! That is only counting legitimate sales and not pirated copies, so it's more than likely to be a higher number. Wrap your head around that!

Along those lines, SRG will be embracing the new Windows 7 with our 20 new laptops coming in soon. Four of us have been testing it out and we think everyone will really enjoy what it has to offer.

Soon... ;)



Outlook Sucks

As the guy who is tasked with making sure all of our digital work looks good across a variety of platforms whether it be email, web browsers, or mobile, I have my share of gripes with a many cross-platform incompatibilities. As the old saying goes misery loves company, and I'm not alone in my frustration. Of particular concern is Microsoft Outlook 2007. For whatever reason, Microsoft decided to use Word to render HTML in Outlook 2007 rather than the ubiquitous Internet Explorer. There is a good reason we don't use Work to browse the web. It makes HTML look like crap and does not support current web design standard. The good new is the people are speaking, and Microsoft knows about it. Check out


Kiss Those Floppy Disks Goodbye

"Whats a floppy disk?" *begins to tear up* "Son, a long time ago we didn't have things like USB Flash drives or... the internet. We stored data on things called floppy disks." "I don't like your story dad, I am going to go watch a 3D Blu-Ray." Ugg, kids these days!!

Let us all lower our heads and give a moment of silence for the 3.5" floppy disk. RIP friend. I never told you this, but I erased your original AOL/Random other junk files/etc by putting a piece of tape over your little square hole. I am so sorry!

Finally the day has come that the 3.5" floppy disk has been marked as dead. Sony has announced that as of 2011, they will no longer be producing floppy disks.

Back in the day it was incredibly easy to copy floppy disks, so the anti-piracy association made this little educational flick; one of the first anti-piracy shorts: Don't Copy That Floppy!
