I've been tinkering with a new ad-drive music streaming service for the past several months. Here is a sample playlist that I've embedded in the IT blog. Check it out.
Valentine's Mix Courtesy of Grooveshark.com
Posted by Matt Laufer at 8:19 AM 7 comments
Microsoft Goes Retail
It's a well known fact that the last few years Microsoft has been trying to catch-up to Apple's success. The Apple Store has been a huge hit and Microsoft hopes to have similar success. Microsoft has been really turning their image around - battling the tiresome "I'm a Mac" ads (thank the lord MS seems to have won that because those ads were teerrrible!) and trying to be more intuitive with Windows 7 for PCs and mobile devices.
Regardless of whether you are a PC or a Mac, you will find the below clip funny:
Posted by Ty at 8:43 AM 2 comments
Office 2007 Rollout - Almost Done
Thanks to the help of our incredible IT Staff and the courageous team of Office 2007 beta testers, we are almost done rolling out Office 2007. Our goal is to have everyone upgraded by this Friday, February 13. If you have not completed the software upgrade yet, please let someone on the IT Staff know and we will help you out. We will also be upgrading all conference room systems on Friday.
Some critical reminders about Office 2007:
1) As a rule of thumb PDFs should be the default format for any file sent outside the company (clients, vendors). You can now easily create PDFs from any Office 2007 application.
2) If the client or vendor needs to edit the file and a PDF won't suffice, then make sure you down save the file to Office 2003 unless you are 100% sure the recipient has Office 2007.
3) Most of the essential features (print, save, etc.) are hidden under the round button with windows logo on it in the top left corner of every Office 2007 application. Everything else is found in 'the ribbon'.
For questions about specific applications, please contact the following people:
PowerPoint: Diana Hodges, Casee Erickson
Excel: Greg Sirois, Kirsten Anderberg
Word: Cody Cooper, Katie Beer
Outlook: Matt Laufer, Tyson Nielsen, Jon Nooning
Thanks, and happy computing!
Posted by Matt Laufer at 6:19 PM 4 comments
Happy Birthday Facebook!
At the 5 year mark, Facebook is certainly the most widely adopted social network on the planet, soon to surpass MySpace. Now Mark Zuckerberg and company just need to figure out how to make a profit.
Posted by Matt Laufer at 7:49 AM 4 comments