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Sound Meets Light

This is a very interesting invention that three people came up with called SoundBulb - it's a light bulb that also sports a speaker. It has a built in WiFi and Bluetooth receiver so that it can get streaming sound from a device like a computer. You can adjust the volume by turning the larger end of the bulb.

It's not being manufactured yet, but just think how cool it would/will be! You could really freak someone out if you sneakily swapped out their one of their light bulbs with one of these and started messing with them! Haha



10 Web Sites That Will Matter In 2009

Every year, PC World magazine publishes a list of 10 web sites that you probably haven't heard of, but are set to take off in the coming year. Last year's list included Twitter and Hulu, and the 2009 list has some entries that sound rather exciting.

My favorite on the list was the entertainment aggregator Boxee, what's yours?



Franti Obama Song



Inauguration live on the internets

I don't know how many of you have been watching the tv lately, but apparently, there's something big going on in our nation's capital on Tuesday. I know it's big, because Bono was there yesterday, and he's a busy guy. There's literally a million places you can watch the event on the web, but one being hyped more than the rest is the CNN/Facebook stream.

All you have to do is RSVP for a spot HERE, and when the events begin, you'll be able to watch live* and see what your Facebook friends have to say in 'real-time' (yes, CNN is still using that phrase). More than 1.1 million people have signed up already. If you're still refusing to join Facebook, don't fret. All of the networks will be streaming the events as well.

*without interferring with your work, of course

As an added bonus, I'll leave you with the "Top Ten GWB Moments" tribute video, courtesy of David Letterman.
