National Broadband Plan
Amongst many of the Obama initiatives is The National Broadband Plan. One of the things this calls for is 100mb download speeds to 100 million homes in the US. It's kind of like a 21st century version of 'a chicken in every pot'. The driving notion is that since the internet was invented (by Al Gore) in the good ole US of A, we should continue leading the charge in driving innovation and widespread broadband adoption. I second that emotion.

Posted by Matt Laufer at 1:31 PM 3 comments
Google TV Ads - Easily Put Your Commercial on TV
The Slate did an interesting and somewhat humorous test run of Google TV Ads - a service that lets you put a commercial on TV very easily. You can promote your own product, blog, etc. on national TV. As a joke and a test-run, The Slate put a ridiculous commercial on Fox News in the wee hours of the morning during Glenn Beck re-runs that aired seven times.
Maybe our IT blog could use a commercial to boost our readers... :)
Posted by Ty at 9:48 AM 1 comments
SRG Wins IAC Award
It is with great pride that I write this post. Sterling-Rice Group has been awarded the Best Health Care Integrated ad campaign by the Internet Advertising Competition for the AreYouReady? site for The Children's Hospital Denver. While the site concept was pretty straightforward, the execution was not nearly as linear. Getting everything right took a tremendous effort on the part of many here at SRG, and it is great to be recognized for our hard work. Congrats to the team for making this happen. This will surely be one of many awards for SRG in the digital space.

Posted by Matt Laufer at 4:31 PM 2 comments
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