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What in the World?

Here is this week's 'What in the World?' contest. The first person to guess what this is a photo of in the comments section wins a copy of Yonder Mountain String Band's most recent CD, The Show. Have a great weekend!

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Nielsen TV Ratings to Include Online Viewing

Slashdot, reports that several sources say Nielsen TV ratings will soon include online viewing for their ratings. It's funny to think that TV ratings are only based on actual TV viewing now, especially considering most major networks allow you to watch their shows anytime, right on their website.

The interesting thing is that Nielsen won't count the online viewing for ratings unless it contains a certain number of advertisements, which will knock off the hugely popular site, Hulu. Not only that, but the networks own websites won't count as they don't contain enough advertisements either. Slashdot speculates that Hulu may add more advertisements, but that it would mean the death of the site... Let's hope they don't blast us with too many ads!
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