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Follow SRGInfoTech on Twitter!

As you may know, I've been trying to sink my teeth into Twitter for a while now. I'm still not quite there but I'm enjoying it as an information resource more and more with each passing day. Lately I've been researching software products and engaging with vendors. The real time and transparent communication keeps everyone honest (unless a direct message is used). I encourage you to join the conversation and follow @srginfotech on Twitter.



Body & Transplants - Play Nice! is quickly becoming one of the nations leading sites for information. Yesterday, this article was posted that talks about a break through in science that may lead to the end of transplant rejection.

Marquardt writes:
"Using a complex that contained a molecule known as interleukin-2, a molecule that promotes T cell proliferation, the researchers radically increased the number of Tregs in healthy mice before performing the transplants, effectively quieting the killer T cells"

What this means is there is a much lower chance of the body rejecting a transplant! Now this is still in early testing, but scientists are hopeful for the future. Pretty sweet!


Boulder New Tech Metup

We finally made it to the Boulder New Tech Meetup last night. About 500 geeks from around the front range show up to watch 5 startup technologists present their new ideas for 5 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions from the crowd. It was neat to see what some folks are up to in the digital space. More than anything the event was pure nerd spectacle. They had 3 video screens in use. The main and center screen was for the presenter. On either side of the main screen was a screen showing real time tweets pointed at #bdnt. It was quite entertaining. People in the crowd were tweeting about the presentation topics while watching the presentation and the tweets were showing up right behind the presenter. It was especially entertaining when the tweets were less than flattering. If you have any interest in current technology trends, especially in your neighborhood, I suggest you check it out.
