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iPhone Hack - Bad Move

As previously posted I found a way to hack the iPhone. . .change the default icons, ringtones, and other features that are supposed to be locked down. It was a very difficult process and I ended having to rebuild the phone and reconfigure everything when I was done. I may give it another shot, but for now I plan to use the my iPhone as Apple intended it.



Unknown said...

You're funny Matt. Can't you just enjoy the iPhone just the way it is? :)

Jovan Alvaro said...

Ada banyak posisi wisata Makassar yang menarik untuk dikunjungi oleh turis. Hendak namun apabila kamu wajib mengenali gejala yang terdapat di kota ini.

Kota Makassar jadi salah satu kota keddua sehabis terbanyak Kota Medan yang terletak di luar Jawa. Hingga akan mengejutkan apabila pertumbuhan kota ini mudah serta di kategorikan sebagai kota metropolitan.