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Important Message if you are Considering Upgrading to or Buying the New iPhone 3G

We are just a few days away from the release of the iPhone 3G. I know several of you are going to make the move, so I thought I would make you aware of some important info.

1) Unfortunately we can not get any inside track for purchasing iPhones through Apple/AT&T with our B2B partnership. We will have to go down to the store and buy one like everyone else. I'd wait a few days after it is released to avoid the madness.

2) You will have to make the purchase in store, you can not order online, even if you are upgrading from the original iPhone. This is because all iPhone activations are done in store.

2) Check out this link: to find a store nearest you. Make sure to read the 'what to bring' section at the bottom of the page.

3) When choosing your phone/data plan, DO NOT GET THE BUSINESS DATA PLAN, no matter what the sales rep tells you. The personal data plan will work just fine.

4) If you are purchasing the iPhone at the 29th Street Apple Store in Boulder, make sure to let them know you are a B2B customer with The Sterling-Rice Group.

5) Next Wednesday, July 16, 2008, from 6-7pm at the 29th Street Apple Store, they will be holding an iPhone training workshop.

6) Configuration of the iPhone will be a pretty simple process. Stop by once you have your phone purchased and activated and we will get you configured.



1 Comment:

Manila said...

This really answered my problem, thank you!

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