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iPhone Related stress

If you've been dropping a lot of call lately, don’t be alarmed! You’re not alone! The average dropped call rate for the iPhone is around 30% in some areas. Those of you with scores closer to 20% should consider yourselves lucky according to Apple Geniuses! AT&T has assured its customers that they are working hard to make their service more reliable, but dropping a third of your calls just ain't right.

Don’t jump the iPhone ship just yet, there is a silver lining! Several service related problems have been traced back to the phone itself which means there might be hope for a few of you yet. If you take your phone into the Apple store they can measure your rate of dropped calls and If its higher than “Apple’s magic cutoff point“, you can get yourself a new phone!

We here in IT love the iPhone , well most of us anyways (Tyson). If your iPhone is dropping more than half of your calls, take it in to the Apple store and have them take a look at it. It might save you from cursing and screaming (Tyson).

Happy dialing my fellow iPhone users!
